
Keep up to date with the very latest from the Walker Institute

The Coldest Year For The Rest Of Their Lives –  COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

The Coldest Year For The Rest Of Their Lives – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD student Megan Sherlock from SCENARIO DTP
Nepal at risk of climate hazards despite pledges from global community –  COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Nepal at risk of climate hazards despite pledges from global community – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD student Alex Moores from FoodBioSystems DTP
Mixed Feeling For COP28 Half Way Through The Conference – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Mixed Feeling For COP28 Half Way Through The Conference – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD student Emmeline Smith from SCENARIO DTP
Small Island Developing States: a life-vest for climate action

Small Island Developing States: a life-vest for climate action

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD student Lynn de Miranda from FoodBioSystems DTP
Urbanization: can it be sustainable? – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Urbanization: can it be sustainable? – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD FoodBioSystems DTP students Lynn de Miranda, Alex Moores and SCENARIO DTP student Matthew Paskin
Indigenous Leader Calls for Recognition and Progress at Climate Talks – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Indigenous Leader Calls for Recognition and Progress at Climate Talks – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD FoodBioSystems DTP students Alex Moores, Lynn de Miranda and SCENARIO DTP student Matthew Paskin
Four Pink Wind Turbines to Save the Planet – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Four Pink Wind Turbines to Save the Planet – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD SCENARIO student Fiona Spuler
Energy and Industry, Just Transition and Indigenous Peoples: Are the themes for Day 4 at COP28 a disjointed group or an empowering collaboration? – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Energy and Industry, Just Transition and Indigenous Peoples: Are the themes for Day 4 at COP28 a disjointed group or an empowering collaboration? – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

OP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD SCENARIO students Charlie Davies, Juan Garcia Valencia and FoodBioSystems DTP student Lynn de Miranda.
Indigenous Leaders at COP28 Amplify Calls for Recognition

Indigenous Leaders at COP28 Amplify Calls for Recognition

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD student Charlie Davies from SCENARIO DTP
Our reply to the President of COP28 – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

Our reply to the President of COP28 – COPCAS 2023 Student Blog

COP Climate Action Studio blog by PhD SCENARIO DTP students Rhiannon Biddiscombe and Niamh O'Callaghan